Ermias Walelgne profile picture

Ermias Andargie Walelgne (D.Sc. (Tech)) holds a Doctoral degree in Networking Technologies from Aalto university. Dr. Ermias successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled 'Performance and Usage Patterns of Mobile Networks' , with Professor Tommi Mikkonenin from Helsinki University serving as his opponent. He has been a Marie Curie Early-Stage Researcher in the Department of Communications and Networking-  Aalto University, Finland. He has been  advised by Prof. Jukka Manner and  Prof. Jörg Ott. He has also collaborated with Dr. Vaibhav Bajpai  at TUM.

Currently, he is employed at Ericsson as a Cloud & Networking Developer. Prior to joining Ericsson, he worked as a Machine Learning Engineer at CGI. He is keenly interested in software development and DevOps, with a specific focus on cloud and network automation. Additionally, he has a strong interest in internet measurements, mobile data analysis, machine learning, characterizing wireless network performance and data modeling, user experience, and QoE modeling. His work is funded by the Marie Curie ITN project - METRICS. 

He has been a visiting Ph.D. student at the  Chair of Connected Mobility at the Technical University of Munich  during different periods (2017, '18, '19) and at    Elisa  - Helsinki in 2016 and 2017. He has been awarded several student travel grants, including CoNEXT'15, IMC'17, NOMS'18, TMA'19, and IMC'19 and was successful in his application for RIPE 77.

He obtained his BSc degree in Computer Science in 2008 from  Hawassa University, Ethiopia. From September 2008 to 2010, he worked as a graduate assistant at the  University of Gondar .  Following that, he served as an assistant lecturer at  Bahir Dar University, Institute of Technology, from September 2010 to 2011. He pursued his MSc degree at the  University of Trento, Italy, specializing in data management and internet technologies under the guidance of  Prof. Themis  Palpanas. Additionally, he gained valuable experience as an  intern  student from August 2012 to November 2012 at the  University of Illinois Research Center  (Advanced Science Research Centre (ADSC)) in Singapore, where he held the position of Junior Researcher.

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